This notice is designed to help you understand how Wyson uses your personal information. We encourage you to read the whole notice.
We are Wyson Group Limited (Registered office: 3 Midland Drive, Sutton Coldfield, B72 1TU, UK).
Our Use of Personal Information
We are a provider of Engineering Services in the UK.
We collect, use and share information, including personal information, in connection with providing our services and running our business.
This Privacy Notice
This is our main general privacy notice that applies across our business, although we may publish additional privacy statements for certain services or for certain groups of individuals.
We have a separate privacy notice on how we process the personal information of our staff, which current and former members of staff should refer to.
Updating this Privacy Notice
This notice may be updated from time to time. This version is dated 16th February 2024.
What is Personal Information?
Personal information is information that relates to you or allows us to identify you. This includes obvious things like your name, address and telephone number but can also include less obvious things like analysis of your use of our websites.
There are some types of personal information which have additional protections when compared to information such as your name and address. These are referred to in this policy as special category information. This is personal information about your health, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs and trade union membership, your genetic data and biometric data, and information concerning your sex life or sexual orientation. Criminal Records Information: this is personal information relating to your criminal convictions and offences.
Our Responsibility to You
We are responsible for ensuring that we comply with relevant data protection laws when processing your personal information (including any special category information or criminal records information).
Data Governance Manager
We have a data governance manager whose job is to oversee our data protection compliance. You can contact our data governance manager by sending: an email to: or a letter to: Information Governance team, Wyson Group Limited, 3 Midland Drive, Sutton Coldfield, B72 1TU.
Why are we collecting your Personal Information ?
We only collect personal information about you in connection with providing our services and running our business. We will hold personal information about you if:
What Personal Information do we collect about you ?
The types of information we process about you may include:
Types of Personal Information Details
Financial Information
Special Category Information
Criminal Records Information
Children's Personal Data
Where do we collect your Personal Information from ?
We collect your personal information from various sources, including:
Which of the sources apply to you will depend on why we are collecting your personal information? Where we obtain your personal information from our customers, we may ask them to provide you with a copy of this privacy notice (or a shortened version of it) to ensure you know we are processing your information and the reasons why.
How do we use your Personal Information?
In this section, we set out in more detail:
Managing Services to Residents
Where we provide services to individuals on behalf of our customers, we obtain information about these individuals.
For all Personal Information –
Contract Performance or Performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority or legitimate interests.
We have a legitimate interest in using your personal information where it enables us to carry out the required work and to provide appropriate assistance if you are individual with mental or health issue. We also have a legitimate interest in communicating with you as part of managing the provision of our customer's services.
Managing Access to Premises and Facilities
Where we are responsible for access to premises (such as work sites and offices), we obtain information about the individuals who are visiting the premises or using the facilities at the premises.
We have a legitimate interest in using your personal information to ensure that access is only granted to those individuals who are entitled to be on the premises or to use the facilities. This entails identifying individuals and keeping records of when they are on the premises.
For Criminal Records Information –
In order to prevent unlawful acts, consent (where applicable).
Managing Security
We may use video cameras on our vehicles, and on our staff who interact with the public or who are working in high risk environments.
Where we are responsible for access to premises, we may use video cameras to record the immediate surrounding area of premises, and the entrance and communal areas of premises.
We also collect information about individuals who deliberately and persistently attempt to prevent us from undertaking our lawful activities.
We do not generally look to collect special category information or criminal records information for this purpose.
For all Personal Information –
We have a legitimate interest in using your personal information to ensure that our staff can operate without being attacked or harassed, and to ensure that the premises which we manage remain secure.
Managing Requests, Reports and Complaints
We receive communications from individuals by a variety of means (including telephone, email, and social media). These communications cover a range of issues raised by individuals, including requests for services, reporting of issues, and complaints.
For all Personal Information –
We have a legitimate interest in using your personal information to address each request, report or complaint in an appropriate manner and to inform you of the outcome.
Conducting Investigations into Accidents and other Incidents
Where there is an accident or other incident which involves our staff or our vehicles or which takes place at premises where we are responsible for access, we obtain information about the individuals involved in the accident or incident.
Where appropriate we may pass relevant information to the police or to government bodies responsible for health and safety.
For all Personal Information –
We have a legitimate interest in using your personal information to understand the events of the accident or incident, to identify any patterns between accidents and incidents, and to assist the police and other authorities with investigations and prosecutions.
For Criminal Records Information –
To prevent unlawful acts, consent (where applicable).
Managing Our Suppliers
We collect information about you in connection with your provision of services to us or your position as a representative of a provider of services to us.
We do not generally look to collect special category information or criminal records information for this purpose.
For all Personal Information –
We have a legitimate interest in using your personal information to manage the provision of your services or the services of your employer.
We use relationship management software to understand the strength of our relationship with our customers and potential customers, which includes individual representatives of those customers – for example records of frequency of contact with those individuals.
Where we have an opportunity to bid for work, we may obtain information about relevant decision makers to improve the prospects of our bid being successful. This information may come from a variety of public databases.
As part of our marketing analysis, we track how individuals interact with our marketing activities – whether they click on any of the links in our marketing materials. We can record this information against individual email addresses by using 'cookies'. You can control cookies.
For all Personal Information –
We have a legitimate interest in using your personal information to understand our relationship with our customers and potential customers. Using the frequency of your contact with our business and analysing how you interact with our marketing activities is a reasonable means of doing so.
We also have a legitimate interest in understanding relevant information about you where you are likely to be involved in deciding whether we are awarded contracts.
Through the settings or preferences of your browser, as well as through dedicated browser extensions or add-ons. For more information on how we use cookies, please see our separate cookies notice.
We do not generally look to collect special category information or criminal records information for this purpose.
Legal Proceedings
We obtain information about individuals where this is necessary or appropriate to bring or defend legal proceedings.
For all Personal Information –
We have a legitimate interest in using your personal information where this is necessary or appropriate as part of legal proceedings.
For Special Category Information –
The establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.
Acquisitions and Commercial Agreements
We obtain information about individuals where this is necessary or appropriate to structure and implement agreements for the acquisition or disposal of businesses or for other commercial agreements.
For all Information –
We have a legitimate interest in using your personal information where this is necessary or appropriate to undertake these type of ordinary business arrangements and activities.
For Special Category Information –
Obligations and rights in the field of employment.
Managing Visitors to our websites
Our websites use a small number of non- intrusive cookies to help them work more efficiently and to provide us with information on how the website is being used. In particular, the sites use Google Analytics, a web-based analytics tool that tracks and reports on the manner in which the website is used To help us to improve it. Google Analytics does this by placing ‘cookies’ on your device. Note that Google will also have its own control of this information and will hold it on its servers in the United States in accordance with its own privacy policies.
You an control cookies through the settings or preferences of your browser, as well as through dedicated browser extensions or add-ons.
For all Personal Information –
We have a Legitimate interest in using your personal information to understand how our websites are used and the relatively popularity of the content on our websites.
For information on how we use cookies, please see our separate cookies notice. We do not generally look to collect special category information or criminal records information for this purpose.
We do not generally process your personal information based on your consent (as we can usually rely on another legal basis). But we might ask you to provide special category information about yourself (particularly information about mental or health issues), where this will assist us to provide services to you or communicate with you in an appropriate manner.
But it is your choice as to whether to provide us with this information. We might also ask you to provide criminal records information about yourself, where it is necessary to prevent unlawful acts occurring.
Where we do process your personal information based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. To withdraw your consent please email us at
We do not sell your information nor make it generally available to others. But we do share your information in the following circumstances:
Keeping your Personal Information Safe.
We take security issues seriously. We implement appropriate steps to help maintain the security of our information systems and processes and prevent the accidental destruction, loss or unauthorised disclosure of the personal information we process.
Profiling and Automated Decision Making
We do not use profiling (where an electronic system uses personal information to try and predict something about you).
How long do we keep your Personal Information ?
We do not keep your personal information forever.
We keep your personal information in accordance with our global data retention policy which categorises all of the information held by us and specifies the appropriate retention period for each category of information.
Those periods are based on the requirements of relevant data protection laws and the purpose for which the information is collected and used, taking into account legal and regulatory requirements to retain the information for a minimum period, limitation periods for taking legal action, good practice and our business purposes.
If you have any questions in relation to our use of your personal information, please email us at
Under certain conditions, you may have the right to require us to:
Please note that some of these rights might be subject to limitations or exceptions.
If you are not satisfied with our use of your personal information or our response to any request by you to exercise your rights, or if you think that we have breached any relevant data protection laws, then you have the right to complain to the authority that supervises our processing of your personal information or, where you are based in the EU, the data protection authority in your country.
We view the UK data protection regulator, the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), as our data protection supervisory authority. Details of the ICO can be found at
Copyright © 2024 Wyson Group Limited - All Rights Reserved.
Wyson Group Limited is Registered in England & Wales Company Number: 15449346
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